Finding acrostics hasn’t always been easy, but more puzzle books are now available than ever before. Here are some constructors you will want to explore:
Puzzle Books:
Sue Gleason: Sue manages the “double crostic” website and has reproduced numerous puzzles from the many constructors who contributed there, in particular puzzles by Mel Taub:
Cynthia Morris: One of the more prolific constructors of the 21st Century, Cynthia produces the CynActrostics and American Acrostics book series, as well as Animacrostics for kids. You can find her work here:
Steven Blakely: Steven released his first book, Inaugural Acrostics, in 2019 with the theme of Inaugural Addresses by the U.S. Presidents. His most recent book, Cinematic Acrostics, was published in 2021. Find more at
Michael Dickman: Michael started Pocamug Press in order to showcase both his own work, the Acrostica book series (, as well as the work of Charles Duerr, who constructed in the 1980s (
Emily Cox and Henry Rathvon: This pair has been producing the bi-weekly NY Times acrostic puzzle since 1999. Here’s one of their latest compilations.
Charles Preston: Charles has produced a number of Quote Acrostics books and several crossword puzzle books as well.
Thomas H. Middleton: One of the foremost constructors of the 20th Century, Middleton produced several puzzles for the New York Times, including this volume, and other books by Simon and Schuster.
Ronald Slusky: Interested in longer puzzles? Ronald has produced a Long-Quote Crostics book just for you.
Kent Cobb: Kent has produced his Acrostigrams book, focused on the contentious 2016 Presidential Election, with fun illustrations included.
Francis Heaney: For those interested in larger print and smaller puzzles, Francis has a new book for you.
Puzzle Websites:
Gordon Hiebert: Gordon has developed a number of puzzles that are now being posted on his website. Click “Read More” on each puzzle to find a downloadable file.
Denkof Zwemmen: Denkof has produced a number of puzzles that are available on The Drapers Guild website:
Dave Murchie: While mostly a crossword constructor, Dave has several acrostics available at his website., run by John Keirnan, features many, many puzzles by many constructors, all freely available and solved using internet-based software or printed:
Puzzle Baron: The Puzzle Baron website has numerous word puzzles, including acrostics, which they’ve also published in book form.
Sue Gleason: Sue manages the “double crostic” website, which includes puzzles you can play online: